We’re upgrading the directxtech.com forum to a Discord channel – go to https://discord.gg/directx to join today!
We’re going to use our Discord channel in the same way as our directxtech.com forums, which means that game developers will still have a great resource to get their DirectX12 questions answered, file bug reports, and to give us feedback about the things they’d like to see us add to our API.
Why the move?
Developers are increasingly using team chat software, and we’ve gotten consistent feedback from our developer partners that they prefer a more direct, low-latency way to communicate with us. After doing extensive research on the other options that are out there, we found that Discord allows us to best meet developers where they already are.
Moving to Discord is going to make it easier, faster and better for us to help developers and hear what they want to see from our API. We look forward to working with everyone!
On 7/1 we’ll turn directxtech.com into a handy landing page that developers can use to access the following links:
- DirectX team on Twitter
- DirectX Developer Blog
- DirectX YouTube Channel
- DirectX API documentation
- PIX on Windows documentation
- DirectX Graphics Samples
- DirectX Spec Repo
- D3DDred debugger extension
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